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Reflexology within the workplace.

Stress in the workplace can be a major issue. In fact stress is probably the root cause of around three quarters of the illnesses we face today.

Stress can weaken the immune system, which in turn can lead to physical illness.

Stress related problems can include the following: Headaches and migraine, muscular tensions including back, shoulder and neck pain, colds and infections. sleep problems, digestive disorders including heartburn, constipation, diarrhoea, IBS, irregular heart beat and palpitations, excessive tiredness, fatigue or exhaustion, depression, reproductive problems, anxiety and nervousness 

Treatments such as reflexology are being used within some organisations as part of an integrated stress management programme.

How will it work?

  • I have my own reflexology reclining chair so all that is required is a small quiet room.

  • Up to 8 people a day can be treated with short effective 1/2 hour sessions

  • Sessions can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly as an ongoing service.

If your business is interested in providing reflexology in the work place, please contact me. 

People Working in Open Office
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